
The Dunblane Centre was established using funds generously donated from all across the world following the tragedy at Dunblane Primary School in March 1996.

The people of Dunblane collectively decided that a safe place that allowed all generations to come together and enjoy would be the perfect legacy to those lost. A team of amazing volunteers turned this dream into reality and still to this day we are helped immensely by a board of voluntary trustees who generously give up their time.

The Centre represents a space that can be enjoyed by the entire community from babies all the way through to senior citizens. It is a vibrant hotch-potch of every conceivable activity. We pride ourselves in being accessible to all and provide many valuable social and fitness opportunities to everyone.

Requiring approximately £200,000 per year to operate, the Centre relies solely on income from activities, facility hire, fundraising and grant funding. We are hugely grateful to everyone for all the support we receive in every way.

Video - Forever Remembered

The Windows

There are a series of 17 sandblasted images chosen by bereaved families which have been included in the glazing so their shadows animate the interior of the building from afternoon through to evening when the sun shines.

In addition, there are 14 snowdrop images incorporated in the north facing glazing looking towards the cathedral, the spire of which is visible from the juice bar. Each snowdrop image is slightly different, with gold leaf being applied to different petals or leaves, and they refer to the 14 injured survivors of the tragedy.

(The Snowdrop Petition, launched by a group of concerned local mothers, developed as a successful non-political campaign – the name was chosen as the snowdrop was the only flower in bloom in Dunblane in March 1996.)

There is a mirror inscribed by Mick North, Centre Patron and father of Sophie, which allows for reflection as one travels down the ramp to the sports hall.

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday

9:30am - 8:30pm  You’re very welcome to enjoy our drop-in coffee bar and Youth Area - open Mon-Fri from 9.30am

Saturday By arrangement - please call 01786 824224 to enquire
Sunday By arrangement - please call 01786 824224 to enquire
  Dunblane Youth and Sports Centre Trust, Registered charity in Scotland, number SC027397 

Stirling Rd, Dunblane FK15 9EY
Phone: 01786 824224

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